Device Art explores new ways of connecting art, design, technology, science and entertainment. It bridges Japanese tradition and contemporary popular culture themes, including love for gadgets and robots.
Gadget OK! features Japanese artists, theorists and critics, as well as selected works by artists from UCLA.



Jonathan Cecil

Jonathan Cecil is a visual artist living and working in Los Angeles, California. He is currently a graduate student in the Department of Design | Media Arts at University of California Los Angeles. Jonathan received a BA in Studio Art from University of California Santa Barbara. Jonathan's work has been exhibited in galleries and museums including Donna Beam Gallery at University of Neveda Las Vegas and Santa Barbara Contemporary Arts Forum. His work is in public collections including The Getty Center. For more information see: www.jonathancecil.com
Megan May Daalder

Megan May Daalder is founder of proofsofconcept.com, a fledgling web destination where art, technology, and social science meet. More often than not, Daalder is her own guinea pig, exploring alternate models of behavior that may or may not be viable alternatives to our current way of life. Since graduating from UCLA's Design|Media Arts department in June, Megan has been curating a video performance exhibition, developing a series of renegade video performances, and finishing a full-length documentary about the “internet generation” for Dutch Television. proofsofconcept
David Elliott

David Elliott is an artist who strives to use simple materials to address complex concepts. He is currently completing his MFA from the UCLA Design and Media Arts department. He has a background in photography from International Center of Photography in New York and fine art from San Francisco Art Institute. He is primarily interested in social conceptual work that touches on games, psychology, politics and design.
Michael Kontopoulos

Michael Kontopoulos is an artist and designer, interested in constructing mechanical systems and tools for exploring the poetics of everyday human behavior. Through invention, experimentation and iteration, his systems evoke metaphors about social relationships and the human condition, reflecting on habits both conscious and unconscious. Born in Philadelphia, Michael has lived and worked in Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and Los Angeles and has exhibited his work at various galleries, festivals and alternative spaces around the US, Asia and Europe.
Eric Siu

Eric Siu is a new media artist raised in Hong Kong and currently a graduate student of Design | Media Arts at UCLA. In 2008, he completed a 12-month cultural exchange and research project in the United States funded by the Lee Hysan Foundation, Asian Cultural Council. Before this trip, he earned his bachelor degree from the School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong. Eric’s video art and multi-media works have been shown both locally and internationally including USA, Australia, Japan, Korea, Germany, and Poland, amongst others. His video short “Sliding Whites” received an honorable mention from the WRO 05, 11th International Media Art Biennale, Wroclaw, Poland. Since 2008, he serves as board member of Videotage, Hong Kong. Eric has a broad interest in animation, video, installation and interactive art. He loves to create interesting spectacles and to transform human perception and experience to sensational levels. His work always blurs the boundaries between high and low culture at the same time provides laughter and amusement that entail critical thoughts.
Pinar Yoldas

Pinar Yoldas is an artist and educator. She received her BArch from Middle East Technical University, her MA in Visual Communication Design from Istanbul Bilgi University, her MS from Istanbul Bilgi University and (finally) her MFA from UCLA's Design | Media Arts department. So far Pinar has exhibited in Los Angeles, Istanbul, Frankfurt and Bologna. Her work is a reflection of her interests in architecture, neuroscience, evolution, gender studies and science fiction. Pinar is aegean and is currently a visiting artist at Duke University where she collaborates with Dr.Kevin Labar's lab of Center for Cognitive Neuroscience. pinaryoldas.info