Well, today is the last day before our final projects, a culmination of all we’ve learned and our collaboration. Everyone is hard at work in preparation. It was disappointing to go to bed sick and wake up sicker. But anyways, this has been an eye-opening experience and amazing opportunity for me. I’ve been made aware […]
Today’s activities centered around sound. Tyler Adam’s “Sound and Science” lecture included brief history about technological advances related to sound. For example, the theremin is an instrument developed in 1919 which operates using the heterodyne principle. and involves the interaction of two radio frequency oscillators to produce sound. Sound technology seems to define our generations, such […]
The concept products and inventions that were showed to us during the morning presentation were amazing. The Nokia Morph phone was really cool because it completely revolved around nanotechnology and it gave me an idea for a possible product maybe something that I’ll just throw out there. I think it would be really cool if […]
The lecture given by Rita and Gao this morning was centered around shape, in nature, in engineering, and in art. One random thing that I thought was cool during the lecture was learning that opals are clusters of nanospheres that reflect light and that their colors are resultant from shape differences, because I was always fascinated […]
Today, Giacomo Chiari from the Getty Museum gave a lecture on the science behind art conservation. This stimulated my reflection on how, although art and science are intricately related and dialogue between the two are absolutely necessary, they remain separate domains, though the border between the two may blur. The lecture reinforced in my mind […]
Perception is a really intriguing concept to me. It is such a personal thing, yet ever evolving as society, science, and art does. Perception really encompasses all disciplines- it matters in science, in literature, art, history… It really connects to the idea of “imagining the impossible”-things we believe true now might be proven wrong by […]
Today was a pretty relaxed day. Our lecture was given by Victoria Vesna, whose discourse on her journey as an artist was interesting to me. I understand and feel the same way about what she said regarding her inner desire to create things that haven’t been done before. Her deep connection with sound in her art […]
Dr. Aydogan Ozcan demonstrated to us LUCAS imaging technology, which utilizes a mobile phone equipped with a lensfree imaging tool. Then, holographic “shadowlike” images of the patient’s blood can be sent from the phone, or uploaded to a computer, to specialists for analysis, who can then text back results. This can provide for portable and inexpensive […]