chillin w/ nano-tech

Nano- tech seems like a solution to many problems facing society today. Little robots going around fixing things like potentially fatal diseases. I read somewhere that scientists are able to change the atomic structure of different molecules making new and better materials. I heard something that might be far-fetched but that if u rearrange the molecules of water and top soil and you will get
potatoes!!! The making of new products and better materials would help society in many ways. To make our bridges safer, our buildings more stable and meny other things come to mind. In the end nano-technology seems like the answer to so many things in unimaginable. Its like a re-run of the industrial revolution, new ideas will spawn new jobs will be created, more lives will be saved. In todays lesson we learned about vaults and how they can take materials to parts of cells that are in need. If this happens the lives of many will be saved, vaults would kill off even the slightest notion of cancer in the human body.

“Go away with your sofa units and strine green stripe patterns, I say never be complete, I say stop being perfect, I say let… lets evolve, let the chips fall where they may.”- Tyler Durden

This might seem like a really random quote, but my interpretation is that Durden thinks that our world is becoming worse with more and more technology. He is tired of mans obsession with material items and wants to be stripped of values that might seem artificial.This is kind of a counter-argument against my position. It doe pose a good question though, are we going to far?? Are we messing with nature a little too much? As humans we only see benefit for ourselves but we must be careful on the side- effects of all this research. This might sound crazy but with some demented motives people have out there some scientists could easily use nano-tech to manipulate people and casue controversy.
^ [
“Nanotechnology Basics: For Students and Other Learners.”
^ Cristina Buzea, Ivan Pacheco, and Kevin Robbie “Nanomaterials and Nanoparticles: Sources and Toxicity” Biointerphases 2 (1007) MR17-MR71.
^ Nanosystems: Molecular Machinery, Manufacturing, and Computation



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