Blog: July 10th (4)



pitch-blog-four After learning about nanotechnology and its applications, students formed groups of three to five and brainstormed about new, unique, and somewhat “impossible” projects for the future. All projects utilized the science of nanotechnology. My project, with Sophia, Dylan, Emma, and Zack dealt with a futuristic musical instrument.

Our project is a culmination of art and science in that we will use small nanoparticles for an art purpose, in this case music. The setup is a flat transparent screen filled with quantum dots. The screen will magnify the dots all around so that they can be seen with the eye. These dots will vary in size. The smallest will be 2.3 nanometers in diameter and will emit a blue fluorescent light. The largest will be 5.5 nanometers in diameter and will emit a red fluorescent light. The particles may be manipulated by touching the screen and dragging each dot. Each colored dot will play a distinct note, from C through B. The pitch of each note will be dependent on the dot that is moved. The faster the rate the dot travels, the higher the pitch. The pitch will span a range of three octaves.

This graph illustrates the relationship between particle size, wavelength, & color.

This graph illustrates the relationship between particle size, wavelength, & color.

The medium for our presentation will most likely be a video, as it will be best able to illustrate our proposal.

I don't mind.  I'm meant to be poked.

I don't mind. I'm meant to be poked.

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