The Art Thang.



Today was the first day I saw a direct connection between art and science. Regardless of the fact that it was the most obvious and straightforward correlation one we’ve witnessed so far, the message of this program has finally settled in my head. A skeptic in the beginning, I can now see that art and science do exist as an interworking system, constantly inspiring and supporting each other. Sure, they can still work and survive as two separate entities, but also have the amazing ability to complement each other so well that it is hard to imagine anyone wanting to keep them from each other’s sphere of influence.



tha gettay.

tha gettay.

ladies and gentlemen... Mr. Giacomo Chiari.

ladies and gentlemen... Mr. Giacomo Chiari.


I have to say, the lecture by Mr. Giacomo Chiari, an art preservation scientist working at the Getty Museum, was my favorite so far since I took an AP Art History just months before so I really enjoyed seeing artworks that I had extensively studied up on the screen as it was being directly applied to science. I think that this was the lecture that was the first to really affect me and my view of art and science because it was the first to delve into a topic I already had so much knowledge and understanding about. Mr. Chiari also presented the topic really interestingly and interactively. Or maybe I just thought so because I loved the topic at hand so much. I have to say, as much as I studied art and even touched upon preservation in my class, I never would have guessed that nanotechnology would have in any way, shape, or form been utilized. It really makes me wonder how many other fields and applications nanotechnology has taken over and how this will affect our future…

 found to have a picture underneath, with nanotechnolgy we can see the image afer years of rembrandt no wanting us to see it.
found to have a picture underneath, with nanotechnolgy we can see the image afer years of rembrandt no wanting us to see it.


nanotechnology saves art!

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