
Well, today was our first day visiting the many labs in CNSI and obtaining help on formatting our midterm presentation. However the entire day, just like many others, felt like a big blur. The most interesting thing today was during the daily intro when we watched the short video clip, “Imagining the 10th dimension“. The video brought up an intriguing perspective on the matter of existence that I can partially relate to.  After the daily intro, we went to visit and explore the world of microscopy and how different microscopes function.


Although the lectures and tours gave interesting and value information, some of them felt dragged on for too long and I grew tiresome. After being eyeballed by pigeon during lunch, we headed back to CNSI and our instructors advised us with formats of our midterm presentations. I really didn’t feel I got much from any of them other than some broad and basic information. For example, I already know how to use PowerPoint. I also have a bit of experience with making a web page, but I don’t plan to create one for either of my presentations. Throughout the first two days, I had been thinking of what I wanted to do for my midterm. One of them involved creating a device that would be able to convert the mass of an object into useable energy, similar to the function of an atomic bomb.


I was also thinking of doing something related to sound and using different wave vibrations for a more practical use. However, I have to do some more research on how exactly atoms move in order to produce different sounds.







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