Imagine The Impossible





Have you ever been to the Epcot Center in Disney World? A gigantic geodesic sphere dwells in the heart of this beautiful beast. This magnificent project was designed by the brilliant Buckminster Fuller. Fuller also discovered the C60 molecule, known as the buckey ball, is a molecule that is used in many models and interactive projects.   Mr. Fuller must have imagined the impossible when he began these incredible ideals because these are truly amazing sculptures. As a midterm, I had to team up with a group of my peers to “imagine the impossible”. As we premiered our hit song “Superlung”, the effects of the nanotechnology were revealed. Super lung allows the user to filter out all unwanted molecules from your lungs. The nanobots are manufactured as a powder or an inhalant. The inhalant is simply inhaled and the powder is snorted similar to the snorting mechanism involved in doing crack. When these nanobots lodge onto the alveoli of the lung, they begin performing their duties. I wish I had the superlung nanobots. With it, I could breathe under water and not be affected by the hazy smog of polluted cities. Along with the aqualung, there were many other projects that were also unbelievable. One particular one was the nandaid. This nanotechnological bandaid hardens upon contact with hot water and also begins a immediate healing process that accelerates the therapeutic abilities of the body. With this technology, the people could obtain medical help after an injury without such a big hassle with medical bills and hospitals. When imagining the impossible, I have to think outside of the box and allow the artistic thoughts to intertwine with the scientific process so that they may form a creative, methodical idea. 



This is the powder form of the Superlung

This is the powder form of the Superlung


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