the butterfly effect

The Butterfly Effect was a sci fi movie that we watched on day 4. The main character, Evan has a disorder which causes him to block out certain memories. Evan’s dad also had suffered from this disease which made him end up in a psychiatric ward. Evan experiences certain traumatic circumstances that causes his blacks out. When Evan grows older he learns that by reading his old childhood journals he can go back into the past to remember the lost memories. He mainly goes back to save the love of his life Kayleigh. The first life changing instant was going back when Kayleigh was abused by her father. Even though by changing this circumstance helped Kayleigh and changed the future in the end Evan still lost her. Every time Evan went back in time to try to save Kayleigh he just ended up losing her. Because Evan loved her so much he sacrificed being with her. The last time he went back in time was for the first time they met and with that he made sure that they would never be close. He gave up his own love for her so that she could have a happy life.

This movie incorporated both art and science because it takes a disorder and the idea of going back in time and puts it in the art of film. I found the film very interesting and it proves the fact that art and science can both be intertwined.

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