The Fowler muesum of art was very nice. It was a cool change of pace to what seems to be the intense science that  we have been learning. Seeing the art of the Australian natives was amazing, the patterns pretty psychedelic and i was pretty inspired. The plasma lab was very crazy. The had this huge room filled with this long tube that made very hot plasma inside. It was pretty hard to fathom how hot some of the plasma was, and how fast the plasma particles were moving. This stuff was extratrerrestrial, it was from another galaxy.

The ancient book section was intresting too. I could picture Copernicus sitting there thinking about revolutionary ideas. Having one of his lightbulb moments about the heliocentirc theory and being inspired. The book written by Florence Nightingale was intresting too. I do not know if there is something with me, but it is very intresting thinking about the famous authors working really hard at a candle lit desk raking thier brains to find out new theorems and laws that will change the world forever. A question that I brought up was the fact that fire is a plasma. So I asked the guy giving us the tour and I think he ignored. I asked if you really want to study more about plams why would you not study a fire? It seems pretty simple, I am not very sure if a fire is a plasma but it came to my mind.

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