Daily blog 6

Today we started with an opening lecture by John and Carline about thinking “outside the box”. This was very cool because i saw good example of futuristic things. This will help me with my project because in my project I will need to “imagine the impossible” and have futuristic ideas. Some examples that i saw were really cool and futuristic looking concept cars.

Another thing that was really thing was the nokia concept phone. This was awesome because it would give the user many different options such as putting it on your wrist for portability.

 After this i did a lab on ferro fluids. This was really fun because it was the first hands on lab that i got to do so far. After doing the entire lab, my substance did not even spike up. This was a big disapointment because i spent like forty five minutes doing it and it didn’t work. But this was not the case for most of the other groups. Overall i enjoyed this because i learned how many of the toys that little kids use work.

After this I did the lab on photolithography. This lab was cool because i was able to design and make something. This was a change from the ferro fluids which was science intense with all the measurements to the artsie side of creating a design and putting it onto a tile. This was a cool lab because i learend that this was the same proccess of making computer chips which was cool.







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