July 15th Blog

Wait, what about Harry Potter? Unfortunately, I was to sick to attend the midnight showing of this film. I wish I could have gone, but life must go on. The lecture Ron gave today was very interesting. In the midst of my viral suffering, I was extremely interested of how Aspirin came to be and just how controversial the medical field can be. Ron gave a completely non biased opinion, and truly represented both sides of the argument. I paid close attention to what he was saying, due to the fact that my project is on drugs, and preventing their affects on the human body. I used the vital information he gave me, and found more related news articles because of it. I will be using that information on my project. This data would not have been possible if this lecture was not given. My news article I found, related death with prescription drugs, and how ER visits are on the rise. In fact, there up 38 percent since March!

As we walked into the noise blocking room, I didn’t know what to expect. Once the lights were shut off and no one was talking a remarkable thing happened. I could hear my ears ringing. They say people who are easily amused in life have more fun. I concur. As I was already enjoying myself in the pitch black darkness, I was perplexed by the fact that I could see part the tape when I pulled on it. I am curious to know more about why I can see this and this will be a question I plan to find the answer for. Although today, I haven’t felt physically strong, I still enjoyed myself and hope to continue to learn.  








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