As perhaps the most well-known and beloved fantasy novels and movies of all time, the Harry Potter series has become everything from a phenomenon to a movement to a legend in itself. Although the series’ charm is composed of a variety of its different quirks and characteristics,

Author J.K. Rowling with the final installment of the Harry Potter series
the greatest single draw of Harry Potter undeniably comes from its deeply fantastical element.
The magical basis of the series makes the novels and movies both new and exciting, allowing readers and viewers alike to escape from the every day into a world where the impossible is possible with just a flick of the wand. And while the “impossibilites” of these novels may be collectively known as magic, maybe it’s time the world reassess what exactly is so impossible about the various magical occurrences.
With various scientific breakthroughs being achieved in record amounts of time these days, the scientific and technological world is advancing at a pace faster than ever experienced before. So quickly has science progressed that the capabilities of today may not have even been possible less than a year ago. So what the world must ask is…why not? Why can’t, in this intellectual and industrious world, science become our own personal magic?
Of course, there would always be a bit of a difference between this scientific “magic” and the magic found in the Harry Potter novels. While one can be explained and reasoned through, the other forever remains a bit of mystery even to those who use it.

A book
However, in such a naturally curious world, perhaps a little logic behind the mystery of so-called “magic” would be just what mankind needs.
1) The Science of Harry Potter-
2) Recent advancements in science-
3) A Real Life Invisibility Cloak–
4) Making of Harry Potter movies-
5) Harry Potter technology-