Blog for Wednesday third day of the class Group X.
Today it was realized that the lab coats can contain nanoparticles that keep off all stains, and the way that this is possible is because the electrolytes and dyes inside the solutions involved are reflected off the lab coat. This creates an interesting perspective for us to see, we can now imagine clothing that cannot be stained: what if something important such as some expensive article of clothing could keep all stains off: like the ad hominem argument? The world could have all stains not as a big deal, instead they could just be considered such an experience and endeavor that allows nothing important to happen. Silver particles can also be involved in such processes, as they have antibacterial properties that allow clothing to keep bacteria from emitting odourous materials. Anyhow, this does not always work, because the bacteria can keep the silver ions off due to sometimes being hydrophobic. It is so interesting to imagine a substance that stays on your body and keeps off bacteria, however we like bacteria because they are so important for our existential finalities. The ending conclusion is that we can imagine clothing to be in the future, however; how can we do such things when the bacteria involved in the process are subcutaneous?

The nanoparticles sometimes involve signs, they help to create warning signs for people who want to use nanoparticles in their clothing
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