Harry Potter: The Least Epic Movie

What a film, what a film! It was SO disappointing! But that’s not important. Instead, let us try to be OPEN-MINDED, and search for technology in the midst of a movie about magic and fantasy. Only though our fantasies can we hope to “imagine the impossible”.


For example, let us think about the brooms. Witches and wizards utilize brooms to fly in the air. Already I conjure in my mind a hundred and more different ways to utilize flight transportation. Of course, right now we have airplanes, but why not think of a more personal application, such as a FLYING CAR! This is just a theory, but why not create a nanotechnology that can propel cars upward? We need to constantly consider the weight of the car and the force the nanotechnology will push. To constantly float, we need to create a nanotechnology that can be easily controlled and have a stable output so that accidental car crashes will not be made.


How about the water that Dumbledore had to drink? It seems that it has some properties that made a person delusional and experience pain. What about creating some “nano-poison” that can have nanoparticles travel to the brain and control certain portions of the brain to make us imagine things. To directly control the brain and force us to pain is the most humane way to hurt a person. If a method of torture must be used, why not use the nano-poison instead of other torture methods such as the outdated electric chair or the cruel waterboarding.




Flying Cars by 2011?



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