A Haven of Silence

Yesterday, we went to a room where the room reflects no sound. When the door is closed you cant hear even the loudest train passing by. This place was called the anechoic chamber. The is built specifically so no outside noise can be heard.

The floor was made of suspended mesh so the floor did not make any noise either. The walls  had specific pattern for no noise. It was a Faraday’s cage so not even a txt message could slip into the steel thick walls. The one that we went to was originally to test Acoustics so he played music and you could walk to different places of the room to see which parts were louder. When he played the music only in specific spots could the sound be clearly heard. The ground below the floor was like 6 feet below the mesh most probably  to help sound absorption.

When the door of the anechoic chamber is closed it feels like you have been immersed into a world of peace and silence. I t became so quiet that you could hear your ears ringing due to Brownian motion. Eventually you could see your own blood moving in your eyes. At one point, I started panicking because I thought there was somebody behind and I just couldn’t see it.

While the Anechoic chamber creates a feeling of peace and security, it also creates a feeling panic because all of the sudden you have been stripped of two of your senses. I really enjoyed the anechoic chamber because it felt like I was floating in air into the most peaceful place you have ever been. At the same time though, you feel totally disoriented and you don’t know where you are.








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