Last Blog!!! Blog #8

Today we had a short lecture given by Jim Gimzewski about what he’s done and what he hopes to see us accomplish. His life’s work is an example of how art and science go together and what you can do with the knowledge of both.


When I started this program I was curious to see how art and science could be used together and why you would want that. Plus I was not sure I would ever see the way they work together. Now after the two weeks I realize that science cannot go forward without art and art without science. The scientific discoveries and research inspires artists to create new things to help people see another perspective. In addition, art helps science to see things in a different way, leading to more research and ideas. The combination of these fields is a great way to generate and bounce ideas around. I was able to experience this first hand when talking with my fellow students and working on the final group presentation.


This program gave me a great opportunity to explore what I’m interested in and see new things that spark my interest. A lot of what I saw most people are not aware exists. For example, I had never heard of Sol Gel

Sol Gel

Sol Gel

or an Anechoic Chamber before visiting some of the labs around the UCLA campus. It was also a great experience in that I was able, to see how different people think and how alike we all were. I had a great time during this summer program. Thank you to everyone that put it together and worked to make it great.








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