numero oct

For this day, I am going to talk about art.  I have with me this awesome art magazine named Juxtapoz Magazine and I would highly recommend it for anybody who wants to keep up to date with the most awesome contemporary art from around the world.  I happen to have with my a magazine that focuses on contemporary art from Brazil.  On the cover is this man who is knelled down and has a bunch of lines coming out of this body.  This piece of art is from Herbert Baglione.

Other work by the same artist.

This image actually does remind of science quite a lit.  The man seems as if he had like electron paths emitting from his body.  As if he was the nucleus of an atom, these distressed beams revolve him- is a scattered mess.  This also reminds me of the video we watched from Cal Tech about the magnetic fields present in a bunch of things in the environment.  Now, although the lines are simply just spray paint, there seems to be some ornate meaning to it.  Perhaps it involves the movement of the body.

This movement that I see in the picture reminds me of John’s science art work.  I saw his instillation with the dandelion and his instillation with the waves.  In both, John tries to capture the motion of nature, in both the past, and future states.  In this Juxtapoz art, the motion is present in the lines, but the com temporary overtones are noted.  The hopeless man in a futile position seems not to care about his future or past, and huddles over.

More work from that artist

On the note of the man, he is pretty generic.  It reminds me of  work Pinar showed us.  Pinar show us these images of demented human forms, challenging what is human.  In the same way, this image is grotestuqe and represents the human form in a abnormal state.

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