Day one after a long, refreshing, and fun weekend. We visited the Getty which was an extremely interesting place. They had an open photography exibit which was extremely interesting to look at. The building was almost more interesting than the art itself.
After our stimulating experience at The Getty we heeded down to Venice beach to get a healthy dose of culture. Venice was definatly an interesting place, but I wasn’t as shocked as some of the other campers given that I had visited the beach many times before in my life.
Today we learned about something I found extremely interesting. This topic is plasma. We took a short field trip off camps to the UCLA research institute for plasma where we saw giant machines made all for the purpose of keeping super reactive plasma contained. Plasma can reach the temperature of well over 100 million degrees and it is what makes up all the stars in the universe. Plasma need to be kept in giant chambers surrounded by super powerful magnets in order to keep it contained. This center itself was working on being able to get plasma hot enough to conduct nuclear fusion with it.
The other person we visited today was a book keeper for UCLA. He told us about the extremely interesting profession of finding and saving books. He informed us that many scientists today still come back to ancient books to try and find new creative answers to there modern day problems. Today was a great day and I felt that I learned a great deal.