07.16.09 UCLA – Today is the last evening we will share with UCLA. I hope to return here later to continue learning once out of high school. The campus is one that is extremely welcoming. The proffesors are extremely intellegent and they all welcome student help and any question you might ever have. Overall this program has served me in an excelent college UCLA experiance while learning the simularties between art and science.
A project that really struck out at me was Johns project on waves. As we may not know why the waves create the patterns they do seen in Johns notes, still the srucure and the creativiy of the waves creates gorgeous designs that can eaisly be made into wonderful art as he had done so. Discovering he physics behind it too I’m sure was no easy feat.
The plasma lab too was a art science concept. The ring of purple plasma ring that went around the plasma could be consdered a work of art if it ha been foundĀ to serve no purpose. Luckly from that we learned florsenct light fictures and rain coats and many other great, yet random, products came from that device.
Another fun lab was the electron scanning microscope (SEM). Even though it was only a $60,000 device, the instant results, the quality, and the magnification of the microscope proved very fun for checking out hair at about a million times. Who knew the hair looks so broken and layered in a single strand. Also we saw a peice of skin which proved very interesting since it seemedĀ like we were viewing earth. Perhaps this might prove a very interesting art project for a scientist to present skin to a audience.
Another but not my last favorite experiment was the great magnetic lab with the ferrofluid. I know it was a hit so I hate to blog aout it. But I really like the simplistic idea of trapping the magneic paricals in a solution. Because this method of just trapping certain particals and keeping them contained will be the majorit of the nanotechnology to come for a decent amount of time. A great example is the nano silver particals they add to products. Its just containing the particals and then just simply adding them to a sellable proudct or medical necessity.
In all though, this camp was a great camp! The majority of the information I had learned here was information i didn’t even know exsisted. Such as shape and size of particals can determain colour. I definately had no clue that we were capable of creaing tempetures hotter then the sun. And how does the Getty restore art? Well, now i know. And the best part is none of this infomrmation i pointless or just to fill time. All of it was designed o peice together to help us considerbaly on our final. This camp has been truely splendid and I’d highly recommend it.