
Today was our midterm project. We were given the task of developing our own original application of nanotechnology. Our goal of our proposals was to break into a realm of impossibility beyond our visions of the future. I was impressed by what everybody was able to come up with. It seems as if we all have a better understanding of what it means to combine science and art. We were given time during the afternoon to assemble into our groups in order to brainstorm our ideas and come up with a proposal. This proposal was not confined to any restrictions aside from the fact that it had to be nano based.  The possibilities are nearly endless. We assembled into groups and brainstormed an idea to present. sickle-cellWe proposed a way of treating sickle cell anemia. Sickle cell anemia is a genetic disorder so our proposal was a treatment for the condition rather than a cure. First, the patient would be injected with a solution of nanoassemblers that would attach themselves to the lining of blood vessels. The assemblers would fabricate normal round shaped blood cells within the blood stream from readily available materials in the blood itself. These round red blood cells would replace the irregular sickle cells sickle-cell2and alleviate hypoxia: one of many side effects of sickle cell anemia in which not enough oxygen is delivered to parts of the body. Other assemblers would fabricate nanobots that would travel through the bloodstream acting as enzymes to break down sickle cells (hemolysis) that are clotted in narrow capillaries that are common in sickle cell victims.sickle-cell3

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