It’s been a tiring two weeks, but I guess as a whole, it’s been well worth it.
I’ve accomplished many things all at the same time–participating in this program has helped me knock down numerous birds with one stone. Bird bowling.
In any case, it started with my being able to visit UCLA and live in the dorms like a regular college student. The experience was one I’d been searching for a long while. First off it gave me a look into the lives of college students. The freedom, the food, and the friends were remarkable!
Now in my descriptions, I’m going to start off with the beginning. For almost all of summer, I was waiting for this program. I had no idea what to expect, and to tell you the truth, I was not too excited about participating in some lousy, crazily expensive program that was extremely broad and vague and so obscurely described in the course description. But at the time I had applied, I was out of choices, having been rejected by the one other program I applied to and forced to find extremely late deadlined programs.
When it was decided that I would attend this UCLA program, I wasn’t looking forward to the making new friends process. Even with a back-at-home-friend coming to the program with me, I thought it obviously necessary to meet new people. However, I didn’t want to put on a fake and happy smile at all those around me, just for the sake of attracting new friends.
But in the end, it worked out much better than I thought. I didn’t feel forced to meet people fakely. It was an unexpectedly natural process, when I was casually myself and met people who exactly fit the niche of people that I love to hang out with.
From watching FMA at night to playing DDR in the morning. From games of racket ball in the gym to binging on buffet-style dorm food. From amazing lab visits to being immersed in all sorts of different fields of science. From Children of Men to Harry Potter. From an inimitable and enjoyable experience to a deep submersion into further knowledge. My experience here at Sci|Art Nanolab has been one of the best of my summers.