YESS its friday!! today was pretty chill and not as busy as earlier in the week. We had lectures this morning and then did out midterm presentations. There were some pretty good, unique ideas. Since we didn’t visit any labs today i’ve got no pictures for you.
We then got to see the Desma kids finals which I enjoyed. The booklet designs, video games, and short music videos were creative. The one video I really liked was where the guy was the girl and boy for the song ‘i tried to do handstads for you’ by chairlift. Thats the only one that stuck out to me and really got my attention, the rest were eh, dont really remember them. I really liked the video game simulations, i thought that was pretty cool.
Considering we didnt do too much today i dont have much to write except tell you about canker sores. lol. theres two in my mouth and they sting and are really annoying. I didnt really figure what they were till today. I thought it was like a cold sore but i asked some people and they said it was canker sores…and to either put salt on it or gargle salt water. I was curious about them so I decided to searched them up. Turns out they’re 20-40% of the us population will get them during some point of their life and occur mostly in people in the teens and early 20’s, and become less frequent as we get older. They should heal within in two weeks…FUNNN. =/