Today was a day of results. We presented our midterms and we saw the DSMA kid’s final presentations.

No nanobots!
My group went through pletny of good ideas to decide on a final point. We decided we would be a little different in our ideas, playing off the theme of ‘imagine the impossible’. Now of course, nanobots that can cure caner are pretty imaginative and quite possibly impossible, but that was a no go for us. We decided no nanobots. Nanobots were getting plenty of press coverage from the other groups anyways. Its just that in my opinion, nanobots are simply a dues ex machina, an easy escape.
We decided to go out of the box, way out. First there was the light show of quantum dots in the sky; the aperture microsope to scan foods for particular molecules for allergies; lenses that could video record; a room that was a sound landscape. What we ultimately decided upon was much larger in scope.

This is a sound landscape by Tyler Adams

These are bottles of quantum dot solution
We came up with an alternate future where everything has quantum dots inside of it. Everything, down to the last brink and painted wall would include quantum dots. Quantum dots are nano sized particles that have a florescent glow when stimulated with a light wave. If there was a world were everything with quantum dots of all the colors in it, everything would glow ambient white. What we want is do ultize a universal contact lense that could filter this quantum light.
This could create a world where each person could customize their vision. Each person in the massive scape of things could see the world how they want to individually see it. This would be just plain awesome and it could provide for safer situations (such as like driving).