
On Friday we presented our ideas for final projects. My group and I came up with the idea of using nanobots to treat hemophilia. How it would work would be that the nanobots would collect certain protiens in food to make factor 8. Then when the victim of disease got a cut the nanobot would be triggered and would release the factor 8 into the sytem. Hemophilia is a recessive genetic disorder so therefore it can still be passed down so it can not be cured as a whole.


What we found though is that this idea was not very original and various simialr experiments had been done before. Also, this idea did not really incorporate any art aspect so that is why we decided to change our project idea after we presented the orginal one.

Our new idea is creating an alternate reality for people. As we live in a world that is going into turmoil, there are many people who just want to get out and with our idea we give them that escape. How this mechanism would work is that certain nanobots would work certain parts of your brain to make a person see different things or make things disappear. Say a person a fear of public speaking they could trigger the nanobots in the brain to make all the people disappear.

There are more details to this idea being worked on but we changed this from the orginal idea because we felt that this showed more creativity and went along the lines of imagining the impossible.

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