
We spent most of today working on our projects.  It was pretty interesting seeing all of the different ideas that groups have: animation videos, movies, songs, newscasts, etc.  I am excited to see everybody’s projects tomorrow.  I think it will be a great expression of all of our artistic and scientific sides: thinking of new inventions and developing them through creative mediums. 

Just by researching details for my project on the internet, I came across websites which mentioned things that I would have never known, even by reading usual articles or pieces of news.  I guess that’s one of my favorite parts of researching: finding random pieces of information spontaneously and applying it to conversations, other projects, and just life, in general. 

Although I wasn’t able to view the Botanical Garden today because my group was working on their project, I’m hoping that either tomorrow after the project or another day, I’ll be able to take a tour.  Overall though, I feel extremely thankful that I was able to participate in this program.  Art has become so much more of an inspiration to my passion for science, and I am beginning to understand the universal relationship between the two.  In the future of technology, I hope to see art as a strong influence in the sciences, and vice versa.  Hopefully collaborations between these two strong fields us study will combine to form useful, beneficial developments for the world.  Also, I am anxious to see how specialists will alter their perceptions of the distance between art and science and rather encourage working together with one another.

Images: http://i318.photobucket.com/albums/mm425/hoops4kobe/blog153.jpg, http://i318.photobucket.com/albums/mm425/hoops4kobe/Blog16.jpg, http://i318.photobucket.com/albums/mm425/hoops4kobe/Blog152.jpg (a combination of science and art: kids work for a cause by advertising through artistic purposes)

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