Art | Sci Center


To pursue, facilitate and promote research and programs that demonstrate the potential of media arts and science collaborations. Media artists and scientists from the home campus, UCLA, from the UC system, the national and international communities will approach the center's intention to address ethical, social and environmental issues of contemporary scientific innovations and artistic projects that respond to cutting-edge inventions and research.


Mirroring Art | Sci spaces for this center are being established on the UCLA campus.



The new Broad building is coming up on North campus at about the same time the California NanoSystems Institute – CNSI building is being completed on South campus. Two modest size spaces (500-1000 sq.ft each) will be equipped with streaming cameras and monitors that are always projecting the activities and events on the other side. There will also be easily accessible multi-point conferencing equipment that will allow for these two interconnected spaces to extend out to the participating UC, national and international locations.