Honors seminar 177: Biotech & Art
Mondays, 10:00am - 12:50pm 3/30:
Assignment: 4/13: FOOD 4/20: ANIMALS: genetic engineering and nourishment 4/27 midterm presentations 5/4 ENVIRONMENT 5/5: 6pm. Required attendance: Natalie Jeremijenko. Climate Crisis, Food Crisis or crisis of agency? Technological opportunities for structuring participation in the contemporary environmental movement. 5/11: Discussion / ideas 5/18 Guest lecture: TBD 5/25 Veteran's day. Independent work on final - abstracts due on 5/29 6/1: final work in progress discussion 6/7: final due 6/8: FINAL presentations GRADING:Grading is based on the midterm (20%), final (30%), blog (20%), and attendance / participation (30%). Weekly Blog Students are required to do weekly blogging related to the topics covered. Specifically, you will be responding to the lecture or reading materials, and are encouraged to incorporate news/research related to the subject. The blog will be reviewed weekly. Midterm Project Midterm Due April 26th by Midnight The midterm is a 10 page ppt presentation in addition to the normal blog. Students will turn in their Midterm Presentation by April 26th at midnight. Blogs are not required midterm week.
FORMAT: If you don't use movies/animations in your presentation,
please submit your presentation as a PDF file (you can do this by exporting or
printing to a PDF from PowerPoint or Keynote). If you included movies/animations,
please send the PowerPoint or Keynote file (reminder: if you are using PowerPoint,
you must also email the movie file as the program does not embed them).
POWERPOINT TEMPLATE (use the template to fill in your information): Click Here for an Example Midterm Midterm Blog
500-800 words Final Project The final is a 12 page presentation. Students will turn in their Final Presentation (via email) by May 30th at midnight. A draft abstract of the project proposal (100 words) is due May 25th at midnight. The presentation template with directions will be uploaded soon. In the meantime, work on the abstract and e-mail the Professor any questions and/or concerns. FORMAT: If you don't use movies/animations in your presentation, please submit your presentation as a PDF file (you can do this by exporting or printing to a PDF from PowerPoint or Keynote). If you included movies/animations, please send the PowerPoint or Keynote file (reminder: if your using PowerPoint, you must also email the movie file as the program does not embed them). POWERPOINT TEMPLATE (use the template to fill in your information):
Final project: guidelines. |
AboutUCLA HNRS 177 - Biotechnology and Art - Bioartists use cells, DNA molecules, proteins, and living tissues to bring to life ethical, social, and aesthetic issues of sciences. This course will study how bioart blurs distinctions between science and art through the combination of artistic and scientific processes, creating wide public debate. We wil explore the history of biotechnology as well as social implications of this science. Links
UCLA Art | Sci Center