Author Archives: corinnama

7/16/09: Reflection

The past two weeks at UCLA have been fantastic! Before I came here, I was a bit wary about how the program would incorporate both art and science. However, after 10 days, I’ve realized that science and art cannot exist without the other. They are interdependent, and share a symbiotic relationship. (Yay biology terms!) Science […]

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7/15/09: Avada Kedavra to the idea of “Impossible”

Tuesday night, or more like Wednesday way early morning was a night that I’ve been looking forward to for a very long time: Opening night of Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince.  It was heart-wrenching to hear Snape utter the “Avada Kedavra” killing curse to Dumbledore, as one of my heroes was brutally slain. […]

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7/14/09: Hands On Science Experiments

Today we did two pretty fun science experiments. Generally, the word “fun” isn’t associated with the words “science experiments” but this time it’s an exception. I mean, I only thought that science experiments would be fun with Ms. Frizzle and the Magic School Bus. It was a childhood dream to ride on that thing. Anyhow, […]

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7/13/09: That’s Hot!

It’s the second Monday of the ArtSci Program at UCLA. And as if in correspondence with the plasma lab and its contents, the weather today was the hottest it’s been our entire stay here. For the science-y part of the day, the LAPD lab or the Basic Plasma Science Facility lab that we visited was […]

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7/10/09: Wrapping our minds around the impossible

Friday, July 10th marked the fateful day of our midterm presentations. Emotions of terror, anxiety and nausea swept through the 3rd floor of Hedrick Hall.  The ArtSci students were down to the last core and hanging on to sanity by a thread, drifting more into madness with each passing second. What to do for our […]

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7/09/09: Life in Technicolor

Seeing is believing. Light has always perplexed humans and presents a puzzling contradiction about perception. I think perception is a topic full of gray areas. It has been proven that light is both a particle and a wave, a concept that is still rather difficult to completely comprehend. And then light also is necessary in […]

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7/8/09: Vaulting Forward

Wednesday was another busy day with ArtSci with activities ranging from lectures on nanomedicine, cancer, and vaults to manipulating the Buckminster Balls at the zero@wave gallery.  It was also pretty crazy that we actually saw cancer cells (they belonged to a woman who had breast cancer) when we visited one of the labs. It was […]

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Daily Blog: 7/7/09

Thinking about perspective and expression through science and art makes me more conscious of the natural world as well as my surroundings. It seems almost too simple that the sciences and arts should be so closely related, but at the same time, they are worlds apart. Literally.  I can’t even fathom how forward-thinking Leonardo da […]

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