Day 4

On Friday, we listened to a lecture on the career path Victoria took from wanting to be a fashion designer to doing different types of fine art and science. It was comforting to know that even adults change their minds about their career paths and that we don’t have to know what we want to do with our lives right away.

This weekend, we also got a chance to visit the Getty Museum, and I’m glad that during this program, the lectures on art (and science) were complimented by a visit to see real paintings and sculptures instead of just learning about them. I personally really enjoyed the photography section because I’m interested in photography myself and I love composing pictures.

Paul Outerbridge was one photographer exhibit I saw, and I thought the subjects and composition of his photos were really unique because I have never thought to take photos of things like cheese or placing a pyramid-shaped object next to random items like dice. Outerbridge actually had many different styles of photographs, such as controversial nudes, cubist photography, and even commercial publications in magazines. He was also known for experimenting with different color processes such as cabro color.

Another exhibit we saw was that of Jo Ann Callis, an artist that rose to fame in the 1970s for not only her photography but also her sculpting and digital imaging. Some of her settings in the photos were extremely simple but the choice and placement of her subjects made the images captivating, and even unsettling at times. I also really enjoyed the series of portraits she painted, especially the lighting and angles.

I really enjoyed the art exhibits there, though the photography moreso than the paintings because photography is something that I actually personally love. I loved seeing this exhibit because it really taught me to think about the subjects of my photos, and helped me realized that simplicity and the mundane can actually be made beautiful through art.

Finally, at the end of this section of our Saturday trip, we explored the gift shop and found a Van Gogh doll with a detatchable ear! How funny!


Paul Outerbridge

Paul Outerbridge


Jo Ann Callis

Jo Ann Callis


Taken by Lily Moss :)

Taken by Lily Moss 🙂

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