Ironman is in the present 7/10/09 Blog 3













 “Its on the strength of observation and reflection that one finds a way. So we must dig and delve unceasingly” said Monet, the renowned artist. This quote is applicable to both the scientific mind and the artistic capacity. The brilliant mind of Isaac Newton observed light as a particle and the creative conscious of Yoyoi Kusame, who said “You are a dot, I am a dot, everyone is a dot..”, was a visionary who saw the world in complete harmony as a symphony of dots. The Newtonian fluid excellently exemplifies the melody that the syncopated music of the merging of art and science plays. The Newtonian fluid acts as a liquid, but when a pressure is forced upon it, the fluid poses as a solid for a brief period of time. The junction between art and science will diminish to such an extent to become insignificant. A new discovery known as quantum dots discussed in an earlier blog can be used for many practical purposes, such as labeling the embryo of an organism and finding tumors in the body in order to diagnose certain cancers such as that on the penis, breast, lung, brain, and pancreas before they metastasize. The artistic masterpiece made by scientists includes the multi-touch computer, made popular in the recent film Ironman, featuring Robert Downey Jr., incorporates many interactive features that are popular in arts and presents a unique beauty that boggles the mind. Sol gel, a new invention in which glass can be manufactured at room temperature rather than at 1000 C, can be used to block laser guided missiles. With this technology, we can protect ourselves from the laser guided missiles from hostile countries. A new invention from UCLA is a source of clean fuel. With this innovation, which reacts with sugar and releases water, the new source of energy will be environmentally safe and economically green. A new form of energy being installed in many areas on the globe is solar energy. During the day, the sun will power the solar energy, and ,during the night, the same process that the bioluminescent dinoflagellates, causing red tide, will substitute the sun. The scientific process and majestic development of art are constantly growing onto each other and closing the gap that separate the two.

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