renewable energy

So today was a pretty intressting day. We learned more about renweable energy sources and the impact on how us human beings live our everday lives. I think science that has a huge effect on the average person is definitely the most important. To better the lives of the normal person is to better the society as a whole. I know this might seem kind of random but I also think that the human dependency on new technology to make us lazier and stupider people is not necessary.  The reason we are in a climate crisis is becaasue the invention of cars and the automobile industry when the normal person can walk or ride a bike. What I am saying is should we use technology to get us out of a mess that technology made? This might seem trivial to some people. The answer will be ofcourse! New technology is green, it is better than previous inventions and it will definitely help with current global problems. Do really know for sure?  On more of social level, do people need anymore to lean on?

So back to the renewable energy part, my brother  acutally works at a renewable plant. The funny thing is though, in the lab the man who talked to us said that his solar cells have about a ten percent efficiency level, my brothers solar ccompany has about sevent percent effincy level. The reason is becasue they do no use solar panels, the have mirrors. NOt ordinary mirrors, mirrors that reflect the light onto a a surface in which the inside is filled with liquid. This in turns to pressurized gas which is run through a turbine and made into energy.

Solar energy without a solar panel.

Thought this was cool

conventional solar panel

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