07.14.09 UCLA – Harry Potter, a very highly regarded popular movie series, was premiering another movie again. And being at a nanotechnology camp we were asked to find ways and relations that us muggles (those who do not have magic capabilities) have with these wizards through innovative technology.
One of the more interesting relations the two had was the placebo effect. Harry Potter, the main character, pretends to give his friend facing a grave and sickening sports challenge a little liquid luck potion, and so due to his mind set he completed his sport game at a much more relaxed stress level helping him perform at 100% of his ability. This effect in science has an enormous impact on the pharmaceutical industry. A prime example of the placebo effect is sea sickness controllers and the product air born and quite a few herbal remedies. The Mind set has an enormous effect on whether you will truly feel better and mind set too has a enormous impact on thinking because your memories ear all subjective views On your story of life. So for example if one were too live through a cold happier mood then it’s likely you’ll remember the cold not as drastic as the same cold but with a bad attitude. The whole concept of placebo’s can make a company a lot of money and it proves so successful that it shows up in scientific studies.
So it comes in mind that when Harry gives Ron the impression there’s liquid luck in his drink Ron performs to great heights. And so this should be noted because this subject compares to our muggle world as well which runs deep into the studies of science.