Blog: July 15th (7)

Last night, Sci | Art students walked restlessly into Westwood to watch the midnight premiere of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.


I am a huge fan of the Harry Potter series. I own all of the books, watched all of the movies, and even own dolls of Harry, Ron, and Hermione (my mom bought them…).

I personally liked the movie. I believe that the directors did a good job in connecting all of the book’s small details, much more than in the other movies. Also, the magical and to us, “impossible,” bursts of magic were yet again… amazing!

Here are some of my favorite magical (and hopefully feasibly futuristic) occurrences in the movie:

The pensieve. With this bowl and a little help from a wand, any person will be able to extract their thoughts and store them. This memory can be seen again by dispensing the pensieve-blog-seventhought in the bowl and looking in. If I can do this for every time I lose my keys, jewelry, food, papers…

Veritaserum. Do you ever feel as if someone is telling you a farfetched story? With this potion, you will be able to discern your true friends from the liars! Just whip up a small dose of this wonder serum, give it to whomever you want, and you will be able to drain everyone of each and every one of their deepest, darkest secrets…

Love potions. Oh, if I also had a batch of this. Or a gallon. Or maybe a few gallons…

And of course, who can forget Harry’s invisibility cloak? I can go anywhere I want without being detected with this garment. If this is ever sold to the cloak-material-blog-sevenpublic, I will be [one of the first ones] THE FIRST ONE in line.

Will mankind be able to transgress its problems regarding technology? Will we be able to use some of these same fantastic inventions in order to advance our lives, or will we continue living as “ignorant schoolchildren,” much like the president of their muggle world? Oh, the horror! Let us continue to fuse art and science to make these inventions and more!

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