There they were. No more different from a capsule suspended on screen, yet the intricate mosaic in which the alpha helix and beta

A 3-Dimensional Representation of a Vault provided by UCLA
pleated proteins molecules were arranged, implied a more complex
story. And yet, the largest intrigue was that there was no complexity in its
function. In fact, It is completely hollow (albeit an RNA strand) and is present in animal, plant and fungi cells with seemingly no purpose.The perfect vessel has been found for scientists to experiment with and discover
the newest reaches of science with, without the body repelling foreign objects. In other words, “vaults.” We were extremely lucky to have met the man who played a vital role in discovering these proteins. Perhaps
they can be manipulated to deliver medicine, or already have some discrete function that we cannot perceive.
If there are molecules in our body that are ready to serve us, surely there must be plenty outside of our biological foundation. Silver was the most discussed in nanotoxology, as many products have started to use nanosilver in their products to appeal to the customer and supposedly clean the clothing’s bacteria. The situation is slightly complex. While the silver is effective in killing bacteria, when it flushes out into the sewage system, other biological organisms are affected negatively as well. Many good bacteria that stimulate the earth’s growth are killed and threaten an imbalance in the environmnt. Like water, too much is dangerous. Nothing in excess. It was fascinating to realize that even the most helpful causes in too big a dose, can be harmful instead. (To the Right: Socks embedded with silver particles to reduce the number of bacteria contact to the foot)

Sample of bacilli bacteria