BioTech 177

Links: Environment

"Black Biotech": The future of follsil fuels
Trees as a source of energy
Maker of Miracle-Gro plant food to resolve allegations that it violated testing rules for genetically engineered creeping bentgrass
Analysis of synthetic biology
Joint Bioenergy Institute using the tools of synthetic biology to engineer new microbes as an alternative to yeast
Book review of "Global Warming: Looking Beyong Kyoto"
Scientists growing plants without water or sunlight
The illness in Planet Earth

Links for Other Material

Two Cultures


UCLA HNRS 177 - Biotechnology and Art - Bioartists use cells, DNA molecules, proteins, and living tissues to bring to life ethical, social, and aesthetic issues of sciences. This course will study how bioart blurs distinctions between science and art through the combination of artistic and scientific processes, creating wide public debate. We wil explore the history of biotechnology as well as social implications of this science.


UCLA Art | Sci Center
UCLA Design | Media Arts
Victoria Vesna