CAA Conference 2009, Los Angeles

CAA Conference 2009, Los Angeles

February 25 - February 28, 2009


Wednesday, February 25


LEF Business Meeting, Concourse Meeting Room 408B, Level 2

Thursday, February 26th


Science And Aesthetics: Models And Metaphors
Concourse Meeting Room 403A, Level 2
Chairs: Susan Jarosi and Elizabeth Kessler
Panelists: Tanya Sheehan, James Maxwell Stevenson, Jean Robertson, Aspen Mays and Annie Laurie Erickson, Anna Vallye, James K. Gimzewski, Mark A. Cheetham and Oliver Grau


Proof Positive: Art Illuminates Science
West Hall Meeting Room 515A, Level 2
Chair: Ellen K. Levy Respondent: Barbara Stafford
Panelists: Bill Tomlinson, Lev Manovich, Carol Steen, Lillian Ball and Aviva Rahmani.


LEF session: Shifting Paradigms in Media Art, Science and Technology Education in a Global Context, Concourse meeting room 406AB, level 2
Chairs: Nina Czegledy and Andrea Polli
Panelists: Ryszard W. Kluszczynski, Paul Thomas, Diana Domingues, Christo Doherty and Felipe C. Londono

Thursday, February 26th

An Evening at UCLA

3:00pm Van from conference center to the UCLA Art | Sci Center

4:00pm-6:00pm LEF Meeting, Art | Sci Center, Broad Art Center

6:00pm-9:00pm Special Events, Reception: CAA Annual Exhibition
Open houses at the Art | Sci center gallery at the California Nanosystems Institute (CNSI), Fowler Museum, the Hammer Museum and The Broad Art Center/New Wight Gallery

9:00pm Return by Van

Friday, February 27th


Education Roundtable: Education at the Intersections of Art, Science, and Technology, West Hall Meeting Room 501ABC, Level 2
Led by Andrea Polli, Nina Czegledy, Ellen Levy, Andres Burbano

Saturday, February 28th


Database Aesthetics: Sorting Through Bits & Flesh
Concourse Meeting Room 406 AB, Level 2
Chair: Victoria Vesna
Respondent: Lev Manovich.
Panelists: Sharon Daniel, Carol Gigliotti, Eduardo Kac, George LeGrady


The Leonardo Education Forum (LEF) promotes the advancement of artistic research and academic scholarship at the intersections of art, science, and technology. Serving practitioners, scholars, and students who are members of the Leonardo community, LEF provides a forum for collaboration and exchange with other scholarly communities, including the College Art Association of America (CAA), of which it is an affiliate society.