Tesla: Visions + Inspirations

Symposium at The California NanoSystems Institute (CNSI)
570 Westwood Plaza, Building 114

Nikola Tesla’s visions and inventions were at the core of the generation, transmission and use of electricity that has transformed our world. His genius and his importance to humankind is now only beginning to be fully appreciated, particularly as we become wireless and more energy conscious. Join us to hear about Tesla through the work of artists, scientists and engineers who have been inspired by his legacy.

Greg Leyh - Nevada Lightening Lab – featuring a phased pair of Tesla coils, 122 feet tall.
Susan Joyce - director Fringe gallery, Los Angeles
Milos Ercegovac - Professor, Computer Science
Paulette Phillips - artist, Homewrecker electromagnetic sculpture
Gisèle Trudel and Stéphane Claude, AElab Sparks – experimental documentary on the life of Nikola Tesla.
Nina Czegledy - The Resonance project co-curated with Louise Provencher.

Organized and moderated by: Victoria Vesna, media artist, director, Art | Science Center, UCLA