Sonocytology Jim Gimzewski Lab, Pelling, Steig
Submitted by artsci_admin on 20 August 2015 - 5:24pm
Dr. James Gimzewski and Andrew Pelling observed the cellular vibrations of yeast on the using an Atomic Force Microscope in 2002. They named this observation of audible frequencies at the nanoscale “Sonocytology”, and have thus initiated a new field of research. The Art|Sci projects The Dark Side of the Cell and Blue Morph emerged directly from research conducted in Gimzewski’s lab.
Recent papers:
Pelling AE, Sehati S, Gralla EB, Valentine JS, Gimzewski JK, Local nanomechanical motion of the cell wall of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Science. 2004 Aug 20;305(5687):1147-50.
Related Art|Sci Exhibitions and Events:
Dark Side of the Cell