Miu-Ling Lam (Hong Kong)

Short Bio:
Dr Miu Ling Lam is a media artist and researcher of robotics, interactive media and bioinformatics. Her most recent research focuses on 3D immaterial displays, visual-odometry-based robotic cinematography, and computational models for single molecule DNA profiling. Her work has been published in scientific journals and book chapters, such as Journal of The Royal Society Interface, Sensors and Actuators, IEEE Transactions on Robotics, and Journal of Laboratory Automation, as well as leading robotics and computer graphics conferences. Her earlier research includes multi-fingered robotic grasp, geometric algorithms for wireless sensor network deployment, and obstacle avoidance for redundant manipulators using neural network. In er postdoctoral fellowship she specialized in nanotechnology and art-science. She joined the School of Creative Media at Hong Kong CityU after her residency.