Aisen Caro Chacin

Short Bio:
Born in Boston, MA, Aisen Caro Chacin is a regenerating composition of cells that produce a woman, an international American, and an animal whose patterns of migration are not based on seasons, but rather chance, chaos, and opportunity. Her curiosity led her to research the intersecting fields of art, science, and technology driven by conceptual forms of inquiry. Soaking with a sculpture background from the University of Houston, she also received an MFA in Design and Technology from Parsons in NYC, where she taught Physical and Creative Computing. Her radar is on Human Computer Interaction HCI- designing new perceptual interfaces; and discovering the limits of digital media. She is currently designing assistive devices as Ph.D. candidate at the Empowerment Informatics program in the University of Tsukuba, Japan. Her work has been presented and exhibited at Ars Electronica, Cite du Design, TEI, NIME, NYC Museum of Art and Design, The New York Hall of Science, Contemporary Arts Museum Houston, among others. Featured as an inventor in Future Tech by Discovery Channel, Creative Applications, FastCo, Time Techland, Engadget, and was awarded and published by PopSci, she looks forward to finding other suspended disbeliefs in her pocket.