NEWS Art & Science I Invitation to Jour Fixe with Alejandro Tamayo I 3.5.2013
Art/Science relationships: thinking and acting beyond collaboration
At: University of Applied Arts I Art & Science I Expositur Vordere Zollamtsstraße 3 I A-1030 Vienna
See also:
Alejandro Tamayo:
At Jour Fixe I will be sharing my experience as an artist interested in subjects such as biochemistry and radioastronomy and finding ways to collaborate with scientists in Colombia. Taking my own practice as research I will be talking about projects such as “the fruit computer laboratory” and about my most recent radioastronomical art works that react in real-time to solar explosions. I will address the barriers I have found, some of the fences I have crossed, and reasons why I prefer to think of art/science projects as opportunities for developing long-lasting friendships with scientists rather than just looking for collaborators.
I will also talk about the experience of designing experimental programs for art/design students to get together with scientists and engineers such as the v*i*d*a lab program and my participation in helping to set up the Encuentros Arte y Ciencia Bogotá (Bogotá Art and Science Meetings).
The lecture will finalize with an open discussion with students.
Alejandro Tamayo is an artist, researcher and teacher working in the intersections between artistic practice, science, technology and everyday life.
In 2005 Alejandro initiated v*i*d*a lab as an experimental program that brought industrial design students to the biology lab in order to spark wider reflections about the creation of new objects for everyday life. He has been a tutor in two Interactivos? Workshops organized by Medialab Prado including Technologies of Laughter (Mexico) and Neighborhood Science (Madrid) and has taught at various art and design schools in Colombia including the Art Department from Los Andes University and the School of Fine Arts from the National University.
Alejandro graduated initially from the Engineering Department from EAFIT University (Colombia), following graduate studies at the Department of Design and Computation Arts from Concordia University (Montreal, Canada) and completed a MFA (with distinction) from the National University of Colombia. He has been a guest speaker in various venues such as Pixelache University-Reinventing the Teaching Situation (Helsinki), CIANT gallery (Prague), and the International Image Festival (Colombia).
Art as Research. Research as Art. Anything goes?
JOUR FIXE Discussing Methods and Materials
A central part of a scientific paper is its “Materials and Methods” section that helps colleagues to elucidate and reproduce a given experimental set-up. It is this closer look that may decide upon the (mis) fortune or further development of the finding. In the JOUR FIXE we would like to provide a forum for discussion that has the goal to approach the practice of artistic and scientific methods. It is about the questions of traceability, precision and rigor, about the role of (lucky) chance, contingencies and accidents, about processes and plans, sketches and (art) works. Is there a necessity for using a “method”? What is a method actually “doing” – not merely in its very context but also in a societal sense? Is a method a constraint that should be avoided? The guests will report on their work and their approaches of engaging with interdisciplinary boundaries, artistic positions, and socio-cultural or economic strategies. In the best case, the audience will experience how things, processes, concepts, or matters of concern, that may affect us, are generated, negotiated or constructed.