Hox Zodiac

Hox Zodiac

Incheon International Digital Art Festival - INDAF 2009
Incheon, Korea

Victoria Vesna with Sidarth Ramkrishnan & Gil Kuno
Hox Zodiac 2009 / Interactive Installation

This interactive project is inspired by the properties of the Homeobox genes which essentially define body regions in all animals as well as humans. We seek to create experiential space that relates the idea that we are all interconnected.

The goal is to entice the audience with these fascinating genes that are responsible for many different variations of legs, arms and other parts of the body that exist in the animal kingdom. The hox gene also plays a role in many dynamic changes in human development and continues to be an important subject for scientific exploration in the areas of brain development, body patterning, and variation across species.

The audience's silhouette is generated from a video capture and connected to an abstract rendition of a hox gene. The participant influences the transfprmation into different creatures that emerge and respond to different movements. The animals correspond to the twelve signs of the Chineses zodiac that morph into new creatures and mirror the movement of the person captured. Sounds attached to the animals are composed by Gil Kuno who created a parallel 'Scopic' world to the creatures with visual sound waves on the opposing wall.
