The last two weeks have been completely exhausting, yet fascinating. Not only has the dorm time been fun, but also exlporing the campus, making new friends and the lab visits have been great as well. Today was mainly used to prepare our final projects for the presentations tommorow and to recieve advice and critique from […]
Last night we went down into Westwood to see the midnight showing of Harry Potter and the half-blood prince. The first thing we noticed was the massive line wrapping two blocks. Everyone went into the movie expecting to see everything from the book on the big screen. For this reason most people came out disappointed […]
Early in the first week a counselor had mentioned that at nano scales, substances have properties that wouldn’t make sense. In other words nanoparticles have properties that seem to break the laws of physics. I never really understood this concept and in fact I never attempted to learn it. It really didn’t seem logical until […]
Today’s busy schedule gave everyone a longing for sleep, even without the walking. Just like every other day, we started off with a lecture on Shapes from Rita and Gau. The lecture began with shapes of nanomaterials and their functions; and then moved into shapes in art. To start off, despite the common belief, atoms […]
Thursday, which was in my opinion the most interesting day, covered the worlds of both art and science and also focused on solutions to current problems such as energy sources. First of all, Giacomo Chiari lectured us on the science of art conservation. He told us of the methods used to conserve ancient and beautiful […]
Nanotechnology has been around for years but never have we had the technology to keep up with it. Finally, in the past couple decades; scientists have created microscopes allowing us to see the once-invisible world. Some of these instruments include the popular light microscope, the transmission electron microscope (TEM), and the scanning electron microscope (SEM). […]
Walking into the CNSI auditorium today, I didn’t know what to expect. A midterm is a very intimidating word in itself but after only a week of lectures I hoped we weren’t expected to produce material similar to that of an actual college student who produce a midterm presentation after an entire semester. Fortunately, I […]
Nanotechnology is the science of the uses of nano-sized particles being applied to practical ideas. Nanotechnology has been thought to be a new technological idea but it has actually been used, often accidentally, for quite some time. I was actually surprised to learn from the professors that nanotechnology has not yet been applied practical uses […]
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