Blog 8-Final Blog

The last two wimages5eeks have been completely exhausting, yet fascinating.  Not only has the dorm time been fun, but also exlporing the campus, making new friends and the lab visits have been great as well.  Today was mainly used to prepare our final projects for the presentations tommorow and to recieve advice and critique from the group leaders.  Didi Winner, Laura Kim, Nyrie Dikijian and I have proposed a way to cause the mass destruction of zombies when the non-fictional zombie apocalypse becomes a reality.  Our idea called either ZombieClean or the ZOMBOMB uses nanoparticles to cause a devastaing and rapidly effective brain disimages-21ease resulting in the death of a zombie.  Our idea uses miltary fighter jets to spread the nanoparticles throughout designated regions so zombies can be killed in large masses rather than a single, bloody, shotgun to the head.  A frequently asked question we have recieved addresses the issue of how the nanoparticles will target only the zombies rather than the entire human population.  But of course our flawless process has succeeded in eliminating this problem.  We have conducted research and concluded that a certain chemical called DMT, is released when eukaroiotic cells die.  images-13This will be our targeting method.  Our nanoparticles will be attracted to large amounts of the chemical to garuntee death in zombies and to prevent the deadly nanoparticles from being attracted to small amounts of the chemical in humans, like the death of a few skin cells.  This procedure will succeed because it is much more efficient than the traditional obliteration of the head via shotgun.






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