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Bird Song Diamond by Victoria Vesna and Charles Taylor

Bird Song Diamond is an interactive installation based on long-term research (2011-present) allowing multifaceted, interdisciplinary perspectives.

Coming soon: Real-Time Bird Phrase Segmentation by Entropy-based Change Point Detection

Ni-Chun Wang, Lee Ngee Tan, Ralph E. Hudson, Kung Yao, Charles E. Taylor, and Abeer Alwan IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, p. , vol.

Singing the same tune: Scientists develop novel ways of separating birdsong sources

These charts show the spectra of birdsongs. Credit: Jiawei Zhang, George Kossan, Richard W. Hedley, Ralph E. Hudson, Charles E. Taylor, Kung Yao, Ming Bao, 2014

‘Secret Life of Birds’ exhibit shows new view of human interaction

The UCLA Art | Sci Center will open its exhibit, "Secret Life of Birds," Thursday at the California NanoSystems Institute. The exhibit was organized by Design | Media Arts professor Victoria Vesna (left), physics professor Takashi Ikegami (center) at the University of Tokyo and ecology and evolutionary biology professor Charles Taylor (right). (Courtesy of Blanka Buic)

UCLA professor researches birdsongs in Mexico, Australia

Charles Taylor, a professor in the department of ecology and evolutionary biology, wants to identify what birds are trying to communicate through their songs. Agnijita Kumar / Daily Bruin