recent publications

A robust automatic bird phrase classifier using dynamic time-warping with prominent region identification

Kantapon Kaewtip, Lee Ngee Tan, Abeer Alwan, Charles E.Taylor The 38th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Vancouver, Canada, May 16-31, 2013

Bird phrase segmentation by entropy-driven change point detection

Ni-Chun Wang, Ralph Hudson, Lee Ngee Tan, Charles Taylor, Abeer Alwan, Kung Yao The 38th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Vancouver, Canada, May 16-31, 2013

A sparse representation-based classifier for in-set bird phrase verification and classification with limited training data

Lee Ngee Tan, George Kossan, Martin L. Cody, Charles E. Taylor, Abeer Alwan The 38th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Vancouver, Canada, May 16-31, 2013

Structural Design Principles of Complex Bird Songs: A Network-Based Approach.

Sasahara K, Cody ML, Cohen D, Taylor CE PLoS ONE 7(9): e44436. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0044436

Evaluation of a Sparse Representation-Based Classifier For Bird Phrase Classification Under Limited Data Conditions

Lee Ngee Tan, Kantapon Kaewtip, Martin L. Cody,Charles E. Taylor, Abeer Alwan Proceedings Interspeech 2012, Portland, Oregon, September 9-13, 2012 (in press)

A Beamforming Method for Multiple Source DOA Estimation, Spectrum Separation and Localization from Field Data

Juo-Yu Lee, Zac Harlow, Travis C. Collier, Charles E. Taylor and Kung Yao The 11th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN 2012) April 16-19, 2012 Beijing, China

Soundspace partitioning to increase communication efficiency in bird communities

Reiji Suzuki, Charles E. Taylor and Martin L. Cody Artificial Life and Robotics, 2012

Territorial dynamics of Mexican Antthrushes revealed by individual recognition of their songs.

Alexander N. G. Kirschel, Martin L. Cody, Zachary Harlow, Vasilis J. Promponas, Edgar E. Vallejo and Charles E. Taylor Ibis, 153:255-268

An empirical study of collaborative acoustic source localization

Ali, A. M. S. Asgari, T. C. Collier, M. Allen, L. Girod, R. E. Hudson, K. Yao, C. E. Taylor and D. T. Blumstein. J. Sign. Process Syst. 57:415-436. 2009.

Our laboratory has been studying birds for several years. For our older publications see