LINDA WEINTRAUB: "Cycle-Logical Art" Lecture
LINDA WEINTRAUB: "Cycle-Logical Art" Lecture
01 MARCH 2006
The term 'cycle-logical' creates a linguistic link between recycling and psychology. Cycle-logic means using cyclic logic that expands thinking beyond current uses and end-point goals. It envisions pre-production and post-use scenarios, existing as stations along an ongoing itinerary of material use. Cycle-logic integrates recycling into artistic decisions about which materials are mined, how they are fabricated, what uses they serve, when they are discarded, and how they are reused. It simultaneously seeks methods of reuse that assure the ability of eco systems to cope with stress, withstand adversity, recover from disturbance, create vitality, and invent their own recycling strategies. In this manner, cycling the earth's limited materials becomes equated with art creativity.
Linda Weintraub is the author of Avant-Guardians: Texlets in Ecology and Art (2006 - ongoing) and the founder of Artnow Publications. She wrote In The Making: Creative Options for Contemporary Artists (2003) and Art on the Edge and Over: Searching for Art's Meaning in Contemporary Society (1995). From 1982 - 1993, Weintraub served as the first director of the Edith C. Blum Art Institute located on the Bard College campus where she originated 50 exhibitions and published over 20 catalogues.
She is curator and co-author of Lo and Behold: Visionary Art in the Post-Modern Era, Process and Product: The Making of Eight Contemporary Masterworks, Landmarks: New Site Proposals by Twenty Pioneers of Environmental Art, Art What Thou Eat: Images of Food in American Art, and The Maximal Implications of the Minimal Line. Since leaving Bard College, Weintraub curated a nationally touring exhibition, "IS IT ART?," and she co-curated the internationally touring exhibition, Animal. Anima. Animus.(1999) with Marketta Sepalla. Before her appointment at Bard College, Weintraub was the director of the Philip Johnson Art Gallery at Muhlenberg College. She has taught both contemporary art history and studio art. Weintraub served as Henry R. Luce Professor of Emerging Arts at Oberlin College from 2000-2003. She holds a master of fine arts degree from Rutgers University. Weintraub is currently a contributor to the international art journal Tema Celeste. She lectures frequently on contemporary art and its intersection with ecology.