JASON FAHRION + UCLA iGEM + ART|SCI COLLECTIVE "Seres: Inhabitants of the Land of Silk" / Exhibition / LASER

Opening reception:
October 2, 2014 5pm
Art|Sci Gallery
CNSI 5th floor

October 2, 2014 7pm
Art|Sci Gallery
CNSI 5th floor

From the work of artist Jason Fahrion, who raises silkworms in his garage on local mulberry leaves, to UCLA iGEM's quest for genetically modifying bacteria to produce fluorescent silk, a cabinet of curiosities at the Art|Sci Gallery weaves a story of silk, and of the biological factories that humans have carefully cultivated to manufacture it.

View the EVENT PAGE on Facebook.

EVENTS ARE FREE and light refreshments are on the house. Parking is in lot 9, by the hour $12 all day. Drive up to the top of the parking structure to reach the entrance of the building.