The iotaSalons Return at UCLA!

The iotaSalons Return at UCLA!

iotaCenter is very excited to kick off a regular season of iotaSalons at UCLA, starting on October 1st! At our salons, we get together to screen and discuss new and classic works from our collection and submitted from our community. Artists are invited to submit films and DVDs for screening at the salon, and we follow the screening of the films with an informal discussion of techniques and artistic process.

For this first salon curator Jeremy Schwartz scoured some of the highlights from recent submissions, and curated those with older works from our film collection. The theme for this screening is STRATEGIES OF ABSTRACTION. There are a few pieces from the 50s. 70s and 80s, with the bulk of the pieces having been digitally created recently. Abstraction ranges from the intangible to the geometric. Often it includes representational objects within a realm of abstraction. Sometimes a process exists wherein a concrete concept or image is abstracted. Concepts range from mathematical to spiritual, rhythm is ordained by musical, biological or poetic forces.

We will screen a historic segment with works on film, followed by a selection of more contemporary works.

Broad Art Center, 1st Floor (EDA)
240 Charles E. Young Drive, on the UCLA campus
FREE admission!

Parking on UCLA campus is $10