The Leo/SIGGRAPH issue release reception is from 2-3:30 PM along with the Art Gallery Reception.  These will take place at the Art Gallery along with remarks by Leonardo representatives and by the Digital Art Lifetime Award winner.

There will be two Educators Panels held in Theatre 411:

Part 1: 9 A.M.-10:30 A.M

Part 2: 10:45 A.M.-12:15 PM

The Leonardo Town Hall meeting will take place at 3:45 p.m. in Room 506 and continues until 5:45 PM. The last half of the meeting welcomes SIGGRAPH attendees, LEAF and Leonardo members to join in an open, informal discussion to discuss some of the innovative new programs created for transdisciplinary teaching.  We invite people to identify the highlights of the SIGGRAPH events they have attended.

Roger Malina will discuss the possibilities for organizing another education panel with SIGGRAPH next year, and we ask that attendees express their preferences for future topics to be explored at upcoming symposia.